For Athletes and Artists

SOMATI.CA has special offerings for employees of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra or full-time BFA/MFA students enrolled at the University of Calgary, including 50% off the drop-in rate for all first-time students. All vocational dancers and musicians are invited to contact us.

FELD-095 “CPO Intensive” Exclusively offered to Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra employees, this tuition package provides five private lessons, two of which are potentially “house calls” in a performance space. The lessons can be booked any available time.


FELD-101 “Elegant Movement” This introductory course illustrates how somatic knowledge increases ones capacity for self-expression. The essential Feldenkrais Method principles, when realized through first-hand experiences, can be automatically and spontaneously applied. This course focuses on the foundational relationships between voluntary movement and one’s self-concept. Up to three Awareness Through Movement Awareness classes (to be performed as self-study) per week are supplemented with three private Functional Integration lessons per week, over eight weeks. Private lessons include up to 30 minutes of lecture or literature review to further a student’s conceptual grasp of the experiential material.


SOMATI.CA Studentships Available
Steep tuition discounts are available to a limited number of qualified applicants. The basic requirements are a large personal investment in the movement arts or competitive athletics. This scholarship requires a separate, written application, as well as an in-person interview. Please contact the studio for details.