Where are the student testimonials?
As educators, our highest priority is helping individuals to thrive. While we understand that it’s considered “effective marketing” to list written descriptions of (wildly satisfied) students, here’s some reasons why we don’t do it:
- Testimonials can be used to support anything. There’s something for everyone!
- Even sworn testimony is well-documented to be, on the whole, egregiously inaccurate.
- Testimonials are difficult to verify, especially when anonymous.
- The goal of somatic education includes improving the ability of a student to relate to their own experience and goals. Why distract oneself with the (narrated) experiences of other students?
I don’t care, I want to read testimonials!
We appreciate your persistence!
Our students have also been persistently motivated to organize public group classes, like our years teaching at Calgary’s Kerby Centre for the 55+, organized in part by the late Joan Riches. (Joan’s in the group photo below, and another student mentions her interest in Feldenkrais Method on this memorial page.) In the May 2019 Kerby Centre Newsletter (page 23, pictured below) Ryan’s student Donna Chyne is quoted (at 70 years old) as saying “This has been life altering for me. Over time, my balance, my mobility, and my flexibility have improved so much. They are all much better than they were 20 years ago.”
Besides anyone seeking comfortable movement, Ryan also collaborates with vocational musicians and dancers, as well as psychotherapists and primary school teachers. Contact him if you’d like a reference from a former student closer to your situation.